The transition to Digital Business Cards

We understand that transitioning to digital can be challenging. To help you, we've designed a simple, clear, and efficient implementation process

At INNOCard, we understand that moving from analog to digital can be challenging. That’s why we’ve designed a straightforward, clear, and efficient implementation process that not only eases this transition but also boosts your professional networking to levels you never imagined possible.

With our well-defined four-phase system, which takes between 1 and 4 weeks, we ensure that digitizing your business cards is simple and secure:

Phase 1: Documentation and Security 

The journey towards digitalization starts with the proper formalization of documents. 

At INNOCard, we provide a standard contract that includes all service terms, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, and more

This process typically takes one week, but depending on your company's internal procedures, it can take up to four weeks. Don't worry, we adapt to your pace to ensure a smooth start. 

Clarity and security commitment are essential at INNOCard, establishing a transparent and secure collaboration from the outset. This initial effort is crucial, as it lays the foundation for a transparent and secure partnership, allowing the subsequent steps to proceed smoothly.

Phase 2: Onboarding Session for creating employee cards 

Once the contractual part is established and validated, we move on to creating and configuring the business cards. 

We make it very easy for you. We’ll provide an Excel template to collect the information you want to include for your employees. This information will be preloaded into our platform, and your employees' cards will be created automatically

If you have Active Directory or any internal employee database program, this process becomes even easier, as you can download all that information into an Excel sheet and upload it directly to our platform. 

We will work closely with your IT department to integrate technical solutions like custom domains and single sign-on (SSO) authentication. 

Once all users are set up on the platform, we’ll conduct a training session with the card administrators—those in your company responsible for managing the cards. In this 30-45 minute session, we’ll configure the entire platform: together, we’ll ensure all user information is correct, teach you how to edit this information and make bulk changes, and finish configuring corporate colors, fonts, and more. 

We’ll personalize every detail so that the cards accurately reflect your company’s image.

Phase 3: Full adoption of Digital Business Cards in the company 

The goal of this phase is to ensure that every employee not only receives their card but also uses it actively

To achieve this, we must follow two key steps: ensuring ALL employees download their business cards on their phones and teaching them how to make the most of them

You can track this in real-time through our platform to see who has downloaded their card and who hasn’t

If someone hasn’t downloaded it, we can automatically resend the onboarding email as many times as needed to resolve any questions they may have about the process. 

Employees often don’t use the cards because they don’t know how to get the most out of them. To address this, we’ve implemented a 30-minute educational session where we explain all the card’s features, provide sales tips, and answer questions about downloading the card to their wallet. 

After this educational session, companies have seen a 30-60% increase in employee card usage. Depending on the number of employees, we’ll conduct one or more sessions. 

We recommend recording these sessions so you can upload them to an internal portal or even send them to employees via email, allowing them to access the training anytime.

Phase 4: Measurement and Continuous improvement 

A month after the last training session, you’ll receive the first detailed report with basic metrics on who is using the cards and how often

These reports are repeated at three and six months, providing continuous insight into how the digital business cards are being adopted and used within the company. 

This feedback is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation and to take necessary measures to ensure the cards’ ongoing success.

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